“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9)


Although I hosted women’s retreats for small Bible study groups for a number of years, seven years ago, I embarked on a journey to trust that God had more in store for them. Since then, over 80 women have attended the P3 Emerge Retreat and experienced this vision that God set before me. They come in unsure of what to expect, some with reservations about spending the weekend with a group of strangers, and others excited to experience the presence of God in a new way, in a new setting. I am always in awe of what God does when He brings us together.

This retreat is a prayer manifested and it continues to evolve each year. The testimonies of women who have started ministries, launched businesses, received healing and deliverance, and so much more, are numerous. Strongholds are released at this retreat and I’ve been privileged to witness the fruit of their attendance. My prayer is that you’ll be amongst the number of women who can say they were not only waited on hand & foot, but they dined on decadent meals that fed (and overly satisfied) their physical and spiritual hunger. ~Erika


Erika Etienne is a bestselling author, speaker, prophetic teacher, life adviser, film producer, playwright and domestic violence advocate. Erika has made it her personal mission to uplift, empower, inspire, and encourage women to rise above their circumstances and fulfill their God-given purpose.  She is also the founder of a faith-based women’s spiritual development community, Power, Purpose, and Peace (P3). 

Erika has over a decade of experience providing women with mentorship and practical strategies to identify their purpose and navigate successfully through life’s interruptions, all while maintaining their peace.  This is what led her to start the Power, Purpose, and Peace, which offers women introspective bible studies, professional and personal development, spiritual advisement, retreats, and other individualized services. 
With a commitment to help change the lives of women through storytelling, Erika produced the groundbreaking documentaries Women Unveiled and Women Unveiled 2, which chronicle the lives of women who shared their stories in the bestselling books: Women Unveiled: 13 Stories of Power, Purpose, and Peace and Women Unveiled Vol. 2: Secrets of Strong Women. She wrote and produced the stage plays, My Mother Prays for Me and Yes You Can. Erika was a repeat speaker and keynote at the annual Ladies of Victory and Empowerment Conference and sat on a number of domestic violence summit panels.  

Erika is a powerhouse who impacts lives by transparently sharing her personal story of triumph over abuse, divorce, adversity, and a brush with death.  She chronicles her journey with a resolution-centered process to lead women through the steps required to uncover the depths of their issues and begin living free to walk in their purpose.  Her journey of growth and transformation epitomizes for women the truth of God’s word that He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34); therefore, showing women that what He has done in her life, is also available to them.